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What can you do?

Even though teenagers are the main solution to many problems around the world, many still don’t know what exactly to do as a teen activist, and what can you do to solve a problem you are passionate about. You can go to websites like to follow their pages in Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, or even plan a fundraiser at school or in community to donate to solve this problem(inequality in education). You can show your supports towards equality in education by making hashtags to promote equality. Ask your friends to join you. Make videos, write songs, or anything else to express your creativity to inform others about inequality in education. Any one of these would help for the world to take a step to achieving equality in education.

Many teenagers around the world have come together as one to solve a problem. They have become role models to many people, including me. Gender inequality in education is a serious problem that has been going on for a long time; yet hasn’t been fixed entirely. I have been a teen activist as a 7th grader in school, writing poems about gender inequality, writing essays about gender inequality, and more. Doing these things to make change makes you a teen activist who is taking a step to solving a problem. Every single teen around the world is capable of becoming an activist.

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